Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Standing Start Profits Review

Standing Start Profits is much more than a membership site. It has a Mentoring Forum full of generous members more than willing to help with your problems and share their own experiences. After introducing yourself on the forum you are inundated with very warm, welcoming messages from the members. It doesn't matter to them if you are new and just starting out trying to make money through the internet, they actively encourage and advise inexperienced members. They will answer questions and advise on most web based problems.If you are not sure that your website or salespage is up to scratch, show it on the Mentoring Forum and the members will critique it and advise what to do with it (if there was anything wrong in the first place)!

The Mentoring Forum is just a small part of the Standing Start Profits Membership Program, I will review the other terrific parts of the program after launch. But, I have to say, this is a brilliant concept from Lee McIntyre, this guy really is prolific and with Lee you get quantity with quality, very rare indeed